Seven Summits: The Quest to Reach the Highest Point on Every Continent
Bell, Steve, ed
Copyright: 2000, UK
Specifications: 1st, 4to, pp.144, photo frontis, 123 color & 11 bw photos, 9 maps, gray cloth
Condition: signed Doug Scott, dj & cloth new
Steve Bell, manager of Jagged Globe guide service in the UK, has edited a great large-format book on the seven summits - Everest, Aconcagua, McKinley, Kilimanjaro, Elbrus, Vinson, Kosciuszko/Carstenz Pyramid. This includes first-hand accounts from 18 mountaineers who have summitted these continental high points, the history of each mountain, and forewards by both Dick Bass and Pat Morrow. Appendices list those who have climbed the seven summits, record holders, and other statistics.