In this issue:
- Mirror Mirror by Ed Drummond
- West Side Story by Greg Donaldson
- First on Alberta by Chris Jones & Jean Weber
- Canadian Faces in Winter, Photos by Jim Stuart
- The North Face of Alberta by George Lowe
- The Taurus Mountains of Turkey by Harold Elwood
- White Out by Ray Hadley
- Moses by Fred Beckey
- Direktas by Dennis Mehmet
- The Rise or Fall of the YDS (Yosemite Decimal System) by Jim Bridwell
- Reviews
- Climbing Notes by Greg Donaldson
- And more!
Ascent was published annually as the mountaineering journal of the Sierra Club, under the primary editorship of Alan Steck and Steve Roper. It appeared regularly for the first eight years and then more occasionally. It is an iconic collectible item due to its excellent writing on mountaineering, fiction, fact, and poetry; as well as photography and art related to the mountain world. “Not only the finest mountaineering journal of the last quarter-century, but the most influential.” – David Roberts, 1993.
Ascent is easily collectible due to its limited run, much like Alpinism, Mountain Review, Mountain World, North American Climber, Polar Circus, Vulgarian Digest, and others, and doesn’t take up too much shelf space, or weight.