The Frozen Ship: The Histories and Tales of Polar Exploration
Moss, Sarah
Copyright: 2006, US
Specifications: 1st, 8vo, pp.xi, 244, 17 bw illus, 3 maps, white cloth
Condition: dj & cloth new.
An examination of the most influential, popular, and intriguing accounts of polar journeys – from Viking settlers and Renaissance conquerors to Scott’s meticulous account of his own dying, and from the tales of Nansen, Franklin, Parry, and Shackleton to the journals of little-known explorers, missionaries, and archaeologists. Moss considers the morbid fascination of expeditions that went horribly wrong and the even greater interest attached to those that were rescued at the last minute, and pays particular attention to the strange desire to find and even exhume long-lost travelers.