Biwak auf dem Dach der Welt: Auf Bergpfaden durch Tadshikistan [Bivouac on the Roof of the World: On Mountain Paths of Tajikistan]
Renner, Georg
Copyright: 1975, VEB, Berlin
Specifications: 1st, 8vo, pp.179, 26 color & 82 bw (1 fldg) photos, 3 maps (2 color fldg), white cloth
Condition: dj w/ 1.5” tear front, taped top/bottom spine & corners, rubbed, vg, cloth w/ small bookplate of Anders Bolinder, 2 ink stamps, inscription, fine
An account of climbs in the Pamir culminating in the ascent of Pik Korshenewskaja (7105 m). This copy is from the library of the noted Swiss mountain chronicler Anders Bolinder. In German, no English translastion.