The Shackleton Letters: Behind the Scenes of the Nimrod Expedition
Daly, Regina W.
Copyright: 2009, UK
Specifications: signed & numbered ed ltd to 450 copies, 8vo, pp.viii, 360, 1 color illus, 53 bw photos, folding color map in back, appendices, blue cloth
Condition: signed, dj & cloth new
Here, gathered together for the first time, are 165 letters and telegrams exploring the inner workings of an heroic man with far-reaching dreams. Shackleton’s emotions are revealed through personal correspondence with Scott, Wilson, Markham and others during the planning of the British Antarctic Expedition (1907-1909). It was during this expedition that he established a new ‘furthest south’ coming within 97 miles of the pole. A wonderful work produced for the expedition centenary.