Lieutenant Nobu Shirase and the Japanese Antarctic Expedition of 1910-1912 - A Bibliography: Ross, Chet
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Lieutenant Nobu Shirase and the Japanese Antarctic Expedition of 1910-1912 - A Bibliography

Author(s): Ross, Chet

Copyright: 2010, US
Specifications: ltd ed 290, 8vo, pp.xxviii, 122, frontis w/ tissue, 160+ color & bw images (2 fldg), 9 maps, illus eps, 1/4 navy-blue leather w/ silver ruling & dark blue linen boards, front cover w/ image of Southern Cross in silver, spine lettered in silver
Condition: signed by Ross, boxed, issued w/o dj, new

Encompassing over five years of research, this is the first bibliography of works by and about Lt. Nobu Shirase and the Japanese Antarctic Expedition of 1910-1912. From the book’s Foreword written by Michael Rosove of Adélie Books: “What Chet has uncovered and given to us in this work is a revelation: more accounts, biographies, and analyses than most of us were aware existed; and he has supplemented the details of these publications with a thoughtful synopsis of the expedition’s history, a concise life story of Shirase, remarks on Zenya Taniguchi who is a direct tie to Shirase himself, and brief bios on many of the expedition members. This volume, with its abundance of new information and rich illustrations, should find its way to the library shelf of everyone interested in Antarctic bibliography and history”. A beautifully produced and impressive work.

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