Los Catorce de Iñaki: Crónica del Extraordinario Intento de Rescate del Himalayista Ochoa de Olza en el Annapurna [The Fourteen of Iñaki: Chronicle of the Extraordinary Himalaya Rescue Attempt of Ochoa de Olza on Annapurna]: Nagore, Jorge
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Los Catorce de Iñaki: Crónica del Extraordinario Intento de Rescate del Himalayista Ochoa de Olza en el Annapurna [The Fourteen of Iñaki: Chronicle of the Extraordinary Himalaya Rescue Attempt of Ochoa de Olza on Annapurna]

Author(s): Nagore, Jorge

Copyright: 2011, Spain
Specifications: 2nd, 8vo, pp.247, 34 color photos + 16 portraits, map eps, wraps
Condition: new

Ochoa was a prominent Spanish climber with over 30 Himalayan expeditions and successful ascents of 12 8000m peaks without supplemental oxygen. In May 2008 he and his companion had almost reached the summit of Annapurna, via the difficult East Ridge, when they had to turn back due to weather and frostbite. While descending Ochoa suffered a seizure and collapsed near Camp 4. Nagore tells the story of those five days in May when fourteen friends and fellow climbers came from around the world and fought desperately to save Ochoa. In Spanish, no English translation.

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