Ostatni w Koronie: Shisha Pangma ’87 [Last in the Crown: Shisha Pangma ’87]
Kukuczka, Jerzy
Copyright: 2017, Katowice
Specifications: 1st, square 8vo, pp.144, 45 color & 16 bw photos, 59 QR codes, map eps, DVD, pictorial cloth w/ original paper band
Condition: issued w/o dj, cloth new
This is Kukuczka’s expedition diary from his successful ascent of Shisha Pangma in 1987, edited by his wife Cecylia and presented in an artful manner to also include photos, documents, and letters. With this ascent he became the second person to climb all 14 8000m peaks. An interesting aspect of this book is the inclusion of numerous QR codes which lead you to short, unlisted audio and video clips on YouTube. These clips are also on the enclosed DVD. This is a matching volume to ‘Królowa: Lhotse ’89 [Queen: Lhotse ‘89]. In Polish, no English translation.